
About Ari Deutscher

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So far Ari Deutscher has created 58 blog entries.
23 12, 2016

Staff Dvar Torah – Vayeishev – Rabbi Ari Deutscher

By |2017-06-25T11:55:29+00:00December 23rd, 2016|Staff Dvar Torah|0 Comments

Rashi points out that the Yishmaelim who carried Yosef down to Mitzraim uncharacteristically were transporting sweet smiling spices when usually they carried wears that smelled foul. Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz points out that this was a major nes from Hashem, who rearranged the world economy and trade just for Yosef not to be bothered from the [...]

16 12, 2016

Staff Dvar Torah – Vayishlach – Rabbi Ari Deutscher

By |2017-06-25T11:55:30+00:00December 16th, 2016|Staff Dvar Torah|0 Comments

When Eisav finally arrives before Yaakov after being told that he is coming with 400 soldiers and prepared for war, Eisav becomes emotional and embraces Yaakov. He then asks Yaakov who all these “messengers” that he sent were and what was their purpose. Yaakov answered so he (Yaakov) “would find favor in Eisavs eyes”. Rashi [...]

9 12, 2016

Staff Dvar Torah – Vayeitzei – Rabbi Ari Deutscher

By |2017-06-25T11:57:09+00:00December 9th, 2016|Staff Dvar Torah|0 Comments

I often hear teens complaining about Avodas Hashem, Mitzvos, and particularly davening, how when they do these things they don’t “feel anything” or ”feel any connection” or “don’t feel like God is really there listening/talking”. While learning the parsha this week, the following thought came to me: Yaakov Avinu is brought by Hashem to the [...]

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