
About Rav Chayim Soloveichik

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So far Rav Chayim Soloveichik has created 3 blog entries.
25 06, 2017

End of the Year Thoughts – Rav Chayim Soloveichik

By |2017-06-25T11:11:32+00:00June 25th, 2017|Message from the Administration, Staff Dvar Torah|0 Comments

In this week's Parsha we we see a radical departure from Moshe Rabbenu's usual attitude towards the mistakes of Am Yisrael. In general, whenever Am Yisrael sinned, Moshe Rabbenu was always there rallying to their defense. Sometimes, like by the egel, Moshe Rabbeinu would even offer his own life in order to help klal [...]

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