School Images 2018
Staff D’var Torah
Staff Devar Torah – Vayechi 5778 – by Rabbi Ari Deutscher
As we know, Yaakov and his family’s descent to Mitzraim is the beginning of a long and difficult time for Klal Yisroel. This galus was initiated by the selling of Yosef. Rav Pinkus points out [...]
Student D’var Torah
Student Dvar Torah – Parshas Ki Tavo 5777 – by Yoel Seigel
The pasuk in Shemos says that Hashem heard our voices when we were crying in Egypt (not our actual prayers). This seems odd: If Hashem is able to hear our prayers which have meaning, [...]
What people are saying about Yeshivas Nefesh Hatalmid
“We can’t thank you enough! YNT has proven itself to be the perfect place for our son”
“Our son is so lucky to have teachers that take the time and make an effort to build a relationship with him. They really care for him!”