School Images 2018
Staff D’var Torah
Staff Devar Torah – A Chanukah Message from Rav Chayim Soloveichik
Chanuka I am told is the most celebrated holiday in Israel. According to surveys that were done it seems that 95% of Jews in Israel light the menorah. What is often forgotten by all [...]
Student D’var Torah
Student Dvar Torah – Parshas Toldos 5777 – by Jacob Wachtel (9th grade)
Why would someone sell his birthright, which was worth an incalculable amount both spiritually and monetarily, for a bowl of stew? Esav gladly did so and then justified it because he was one day going [...]
What people are saying about Yeshivas Nefesh Hatalmid
“We can’t thank you enough! YNT has proven itself to be the perfect place for our son”
“Our son is so lucky to have teachers that take the time and make an effort to build a relationship with him. They really care for him!”