
About Ari Deutscher

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So far Ari Deutscher has created 58 blog entries.
10 12, 2017

Staff Devar Torah – Vayeishev 5778 – by Rabbi Ari Deutscher

By |2017-12-10T19:50:22+00:00December 10th, 2017|Staff Dvar Torah|0 Comments

Regarding the conflict between Yosef and the Brothers, chazal comment that because of Yaakovs special treatment of Yosef, even if only minute, caused the discord and hatred which eventually led to Klal Yisroel being led into Galus and years of slavery and suffering. How was Yaakov then, supposed to treat Yosef? If he was [...]

29 10, 2017

Student Dvar Torah – Parshas Lech Lecha 5778 – by Yoel Seigel

By |2017-10-29T07:37:45+00:00October 29th, 2017|Student Dvar Torah|0 Comments

This week it says in לך-לך the following words. “ ואברהם בן-תשעים ותשע שנה בהמלו בשר ערלתו ” Rashi states a beautiful pshat saying that Avraham took the knife in one hand, and his עורלה in the other, about to cut but then became afraid and feared, that since he was old it wouldn’t [...]

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