School Images 2018
Staff D’var Torah
Staff Devar Torah – Vayeishev 5778 – by Rabbi Ari Deutscher
Regarding the conflict between Yosef and the Brothers, chazal comment that because of Yaakovs special treatment of Yosef, even if only minute, caused the discord and hatred which eventually led to Klal Yisroel being [...]
Student D’var Torah
Student Dvar Torah – Parshas Bo 5777 – by Noam Sokol (9th Grade)
ויקרא פרעה אל משה ויאמר לכו עבדו את ה פסוק זה עוסק אחרי מכת חושך כתב שהשם קרא למשה כשבמכות האחרות היה כתוב למשה ואהרן הכלי יקר מסביר; שה ’ ידע מתי שנולד משה נמלאה [...]
What people are saying about Yeshivas Nefesh Hatalmid
“We can’t thank you enough! YNT has proven itself to be the perfect place for our son”
“Our son is so lucky to have teachers that take the time and make an effort to build a relationship with him. They really care for him!”